
About Company

Audex was founded in 1994 and has become one of the leading audit-consulting companies of Russia that offers a comprehensive range of services in audit, consulting, accounting, assessment and IT.


More than 80 professionals work in Audex today. More than half of them are certified in audit, have diplomas of tax consultants, appraisers, International Financial Reporting Standards specialists. Their potential in combination with wide practical knowledge help us to offer our clients new ideas, nonstandard solutions and deliver quality standards.


The founders of Audex continue to work in the company. All the senior managers of Audex have auditor certificates.

Audex is characterized by understanding of business specifics, quality of service and complex approach to clients’ problems solution.

Trust-based relation with our clients, accounting accuracy and high level of services are highly important for us. We implanted quality management system that allows us to modernize the process of project realization. Intracompany methodic and standards are approved and undergo changes according in the course of modernization of the practice of project realization.

Professional responsibility of Audex is insured in accordance with the Federal law “On Auditing”.