In the course of controlling of fixed assets and incomplete construction our specialists perform valuation of degree of depreciation of fixed assets groupwise, analysis of costs for modernization, reconstruction, further construction and equipping, repair works, analysis of financial results of fixed assets replacement, monitor efficiency of capital and return on assets according to the groups of business equipment. It is important as well to check deactivated or leased fixed assets and those not set in operation, in reserve, on lease and stage of construction completion.
Reserves controlling is aimed to examine demand of material recourses, analyze turnover ratio and establish production reserves standards. We also valuate organization of internal control for inventory balance and restocking policy.
The purpose of this procedure is to valuate realized financial investments, analyze their structure and long-term solvency.
The purpose of enterprise's purchase policy is to find and offer financial resources for business processes with minimal costs. In narrow sense to this group belong supply with primary products, auxiliary and basic materials. This function consists of two parts:
purchase of correspondent goods, in other words, quantitative and qualitative supply with materials;
logistics of goods in arranged time, place and quantity necessary for production (including transportation and storage).
During the supply controlling the first priority is given to information support about the process of production resources purchases. Purchase controlling is aimed to provide supply departments with all the information about supplied materials, which is necessary for taking decisions about supply and establishing upper limit of prices for purchased goods (which proceeds from the prices for made products). Calculation of efficiency of supply departments is also included in purchase controlling services.
During the controlling of end products specialists calculate end product' turnover and cost adequacy of the end product's unit.
During the procedure an auditor investigates economic efficiency of expenses completed during manufacturing of end products, analyses existence and procedures of expenses rationing with the purpose of controlling a unit cost and adequacy of actual expenses of resources.
Sales are indispensable for marketing and present final and the major stage of supplying customers with the products they need. It is aimed to form and maintain an effective system of transferring products from manufacturer to the ultimate consumer with minimum expenses.
Sales controlling is aimed to reduce risks of production activity.
Auditors pay special attention to intermediating firms that realize production of the enterprise to the ultimate consumers.
The procedure is aimed to study the structure of accounts receivable, turnover, payback period, uncollectible receivables and overdue receivable. Attention is paid to management (by enterprise itself) of the level of accounts receivable its productive efficiency, with its relation to sales.
Accounts payable is a liability of organization to pass financial and non-financial assets to natural persons and legal entities, resulting from the liability of the organization according to the agreement in the course of business activity, with the purpose of maintaining of acceptable level of financial sustainability.
In the present time controlling is seen as a concept of system management, administration of corporation or a separate functional process for support of successful long-term business-communications.
The main purpose of audit controlling is to provide the owner and managers with the results of strategic and operational evaluation of condition and dynamics of internal and surrounding environment as well as market behaviour in the process of achieving goals.
The main purpose of audit controlling is to provide the owner and managers with the results of strategic and operational evaluation of condition and dynamics of internal and surrounding environment as well as market behaviour to help you to achieve your goals.
The purposes of audit controlling are defined by the purposes of the organization. The purpose may lie in providing the desired level of profits, firm profitability, increase sales and maintenance and rational use of company's resources.
Audit controlling results are presented in the final report and recommendations.