Transformation of joint-stock companies (AO) into limited liability companies (OOO)

We offer you to reorganize your joint-stock company into a limited liability company as we consider this legal structure to be the best for corporate organization of associations with no more than 50 shareholders not issuing shares.

Having completed this procedure, you will be relieved of the following responsibilities:

  • Information disclosure and consequent administrative responsibility for irregular proceeding.
  • Maintaining a share register that excludes participation of a registrator and additional costs.
  • Observation of corporate procedures, as their infringement involves considerable penalties (to 1 million of rubles).
  • Creation of standby fees and emergency reserve funds.
  • Conducting annual audit for examination and provision of reasonable assurance over the accuracy of annual financial statements.
  • Confirmation of the decisions made by the members of general shareholders' meeting and shareholders' structure notarially certified or certified by the person responsible for administration of share register and performing functions of ballot committee.

Contact us
Takhir Samiev
Takhir Samiev
Project manager for corporate practice